Meet Gina

Gina Mauricio an online marathon coach

I’m Gina Mauricio, founder of Run with Gina (Rwg).

Nearly two decades ago, while training for my first marathon, I sustained a stress fracture in both feet. I was left confused as to why this happened following a group training program. What was more damning, I lost my joy for running and sat on the sidelines for a year before lacing up my running shoes and pounding the pavement again. 

As a healthcare provider, both science and curiosity were part of my core values. I longed to know why this happened to me and more importantly, how I may be of service to others to keep them safe, healthy and able to enjoy running throughout their lifetime, while moving them towards their running goals. 

In 2015, I earned a Masters Degree in Kinesiology (study of movement) with an emphasis on Exercise and Sports Psychology. At the same time Rwg was in its infancy. Since then, I have dedicated myself to continuing education to better serve my clients.

I have completed education/certification programs from:

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist.

  • Revo2lution Running

  • Run Lab gait training

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach

  • Evidence Based Fitness Academy (EBFA) barefoot trainer

  • Online Trainer Academy (OTA)

  • Girls Gone Strong (GGS)

  • Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT)

  • McMillan Running

Let’s work together!

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